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Mind Melts: transmuting the past

Mind Melts

Evolutionary process that will reprogram your mind and soul to reach new heights of fearless brilliance.

At the time of evolutionary collective consciousness you are being called to release and transmute the narrative you've been holding on to that's kept you captive in your present. Life is magical when you believe it to be!

The secret path to higher consciousness is doing what scares you. The greater the fear, the higher the elevation. There is only one way to face a fear and that's to walk right through it.

Let's take this journey together.

In this 6 part Ajna healing series we will take you through a transformational HYPNO-HEALING journey of the mind and ultimately help you change the meanings you hold and the narrative you speak by overriding the conditioning field, melting the resistance and embedding the activation codes that transmute fear into limitless potential.

This is a two part process. You will receive:

#1.WORKBOOK: A carefully designed workbook will take you on an inner journey and provide you with deep insight into your psyche. The workbook will be provided prior to the live hypno-healing event, and you may work on it at your own pace.

#2.HYPNO-HEALING SESSION: 60min hypnotherapy and energy healing session will melt away blocks and resistance and download the awakening codes to your infinite potential and new possibilities.

We begin this journey together on Thursday June 24 @ 7pm EST.

Investment: $99*

The below link will take you to Healing Point Therapeutics Booking Site. This is the only booking link for this event.

June 10

Soul Elevation: Reiki Healing

July 20

Soul Elevation: Reiki Healing